Museum hours

Tues Wed Fri 10 - 5
Thurs 10 - 8 
Sat 11 - 4 

Closed Sun, Mon & holidays

Free admission
Free parking

Office hours

Mon-Fri: 8 - 5 

Weary Family Foundation

Beach Museum of Art
Kansas State University
701 Beach Lane,
Manhattan, KS 66506
(14th & Anderson Ave.)


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Term: Scotland

Area was inhabited by 3rd millenium BCE; Rome invaded, but never subdued native Picts; invaded by Scots from Ireland in the 6th century CE; Picts and Scots united in 844; invaded by Norsemen beginning in the 8th century; first linked with English monarchy in 12th century; 16th century marked by religious turmoil; Crowns of Scotland and England united in 1603, parliaments in 1707; significant percentage still read or speak Scottish Gaelic language.