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Tues Wed Fri 10 - 5
Thurs 10 - 8 
Sat 11 - 4 

Closed Sun, Mon & holidays

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Mon-Fri: 8 - 5 

Weary Family Foundation

Beach Museum of Art
Kansas State University
701 Beach Lane,
Manhattan, KS 66506
(14th & Anderson Ave.)


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Term: City of London

Municipal corporation and borough often referred to as the "The Square Mile" or simply "The City." Although small in area and only a part of the modern urban area now known as London, its area closely corresponds to the medieval city of London. Geographically the City belongs to the historic county of Middlesex, but its special status and privileges gave it autonomy for most of its history. It lies on the north bank of the River Thames between the Temple Bar memorial pillar and the base of Tower Hill. The City Corporation is Britain's oldest local government; it has the status of a county, with powers that exceed those of London's 32 other boroughs (collectively called Greater London), notably having its own police force. The area has long been associated with the city's (and country's) financial institutions, with the Bank of England, the Royal Exchange (no longer functioning), and the Stock Exchange being located here. While large portions are being renovated, the City of London still contains some of Sir Chistopher Wren's city churches including St. Paul's Cathedral, cathedral of the Anglican bishop. A self-governing enclave.