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Tues Wed Fri 10 - 5
Thurs 10 - 8 
Sat 11 - 4 

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Mon-Fri: 8 - 5 

Weary Family Foundation

Beach Museum of Art
Kansas State University
701 Beach Lane,
Manhattan, KS 66506
(14th & Anderson Ave.)


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R. B. Bhaskaran

Artist Info
R. B. BhaskaranIndia, born 1942

Bhaskaran’s prints aim to transcend cultural and geographic boundaries, a testament of the visual movement of 1960s India when artists pursued more universal subjects and themes. In 1968, R. B. Bhaskaran travelled to Ein Hod, a small artist’s village in Israel on a UNESCO scholarship where he first learned etching and lithography. Continuing his education abroad, Bhaskaran studied printmaking at Portsmouth Polytechnic in England in 1976 as a British Council Scholar.

Bhaskaran began his Marriage series in 1981 after visiting the homes of family and friends and seeing framed marriage portraits displayed on the walls. In this print, he depicts a couple in attire typical of traditional Indian weddings. Bhaskaran was part of a 1960s art movement which favored themes transcending geographic and cultural boundaries.

He received several printmaking scholarships to study abroad: one from the United Nations to study etching and lithography in Israel in 1968; another from the British government for study in England in 1976.

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Marriage Photo
R. B. Bhaskaran
Marriage Photo
R. B. Bhaskaran