· The artist wrote on his website that he “conceived [ToyGantic] to be a sort of atomic-age Americanized toy version of the historic Titanic (it’s over 8 feet in length). I have for many years been fascinated by the number of toy ships that must be strewn across the bottoms of ponds and lakes all over the world. I wanted to have the experience of finding one of the rarest and most unusual ever made so I created the opportunity and enacted it. I sank the ToyGantic in a private pond near Rockland, Maine in August of 2005 and raised it in July of 2006. Over the course of the year that it lay on the pond bottom, I created a fictive historical narrative and some related ephemera to explain its origins, and the reason for its demise.”
· The ship on display here is but one part of the sculpture ensemble. Also included and fabricated by the artist, but not on display, are a cardboard box for the toy ship, a fake vintage comic book and toy catalogue, digitally generated photos of Kid King building, photos of ToyGantic on the lake bottom as found, and plastic stowaway bow plugs.· The artist wrote on his website that he “conceived [ToyGantic] to be a sort of atomic-age Americanized toy version of the historic Titanic (it’s over 8 feet in length). I have for many years been fascinated by the number of toy ships that must be strewn across the bottoms of ponds and lakes all over the world. I wanted to have the experience of finding one of the rarest and most unusual ever made so I created the opportunity and enacted it. I sank the ToyGantic in a private pond near Rockland, Maine in August of 2005 and raised it in July of 2006. Over the course of the year that it lay on the pond bottom, I created a fictive historical narrative and some related ephemera to explain its origins, and the reason for its demise.”
· The ship on display here is but one part of the sculpture ensemble. Also included and fabricated by the artist, but not on display, are a cardboard box for the toy ship, a fake vintage comic book and toy catalogue, digitally generated photos of Kid King building, photos of ToyGantic on the lake bottom as found, and plastic stowaway bow plugs.