Museum hours

Tues Wed Fri 10 - 5
Thurs 10 - 8 
Sat 11 - 4 

Closed Sun, Mon & holidays

Free admission
Free parking

Office hours

Mon-Fri: 8 - 5 

Weary Family Foundation

Beach Museum of Art
Kansas State University
701 Beach Lane,
Manhattan, KS 66506
(14th & Anderson Ave.)


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John Steuart Curry (United States), Sunrise (Sunrise Over Kansas) (pre-conservation), 1935, oil…
Sunrise Over Kansas
John Steuart Curry (United States), Sunrise (Sunrise Over Kansas) (pre-conservation), 1935, oil…
John Steuart Curry (United States), Sunrise (Sunrise Over Kansas) (pre-conservation), 1935, oil on canvas, 38 x 59 1/2 in. Kansas State University, Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art, Friends of the Beach Museum of Art purchase, 1996.18

Sunrise Over Kansas

2021-06-29 to 2022-02-28
Dramatic weather plays a significant role in Regionalist John Steuart Curry’s art, especially as a symbol of menace. Less recognized is the importance of another event in nature—the sunrise—in Curry’s oeuvre. The celestial motif is explored in this exhibition of the artist’s paintings, prints and drawings. The exhibition pays tribute to the museum’s 1935 painting, Sunrise over Kansas, which suffered discoloration of its sun as a result of the artist’s experiments with materials and now has been conserved.
Image: John Steuart Curry (1897 – 1946), Sunrise (Sunrise over Kansas), 1935, mixed-media on canvas, Friends of the Beach Museum of Art purchase, 1996.18.

Objects on loan not available.